Monday, January 26, 2009

"Bagas" and "Yayas"

Here it first blog entry for my first blog!!  As some may know, I had a "babysite" created for Alivia when she was little but I let it slide.  I decided since she is 2 now and no longer a "baby," it's time to start blogging!!!  

The hardest part about starting a blog was the dreaded title!!  What was I going to call this cyber street made for me?  Well, what you may or may not also know is that Alivia has a very big vocabulary!!  She can say words like "Elephant, Medicine, and Sampson" without a single problem.  However, her own name and that of her Grandparents seems to stump her.  She has actually given herself the nickname of "Yaya" and she has renamed every Grandparent she has (and some random people that just look like a Grandparent) "Baga."  So, I guess you could say we are definitely living in our own little Yaya land around here!!  

As for baby #2 that is due July 5th, we do not have a name or nickname picked out for her or him yet.  Of course, you can expect pictures and updates along the way!  

Please feel free to stop by Yaya land anytime to see what we are up to!  Enjoy!!!!!  


Anonymous said...

So cute how Alivia picked out her own nickname and nicknames for her grandparents! Ashlynn started calling all the grandparents Baca when she was little! LOL! She still calls Curtis' dad Baca Joe even though she has switched to calling my parents Grammy and Grampy like the rest of the kids do, lol.

Anonymous said...

Alivia is so cute!!

I can see both Michelle and Ben in her looks.

Very nice blog you have here.

Hope to see you soon.

Baga Mark